1. Find God

Most people think of God as a vague idea - distant from our troubled lives! But he is closer than you imagine. God saw the trouble we face in life, and the separation from Him and each other, so he sent Jesus to show us the way home. 

We have met the living God, and you can too.

2. Find Freedom

Knowing God means more than just connecting. God knows we often face huge life challenges both in circumstances and within ourselves. He begins to bring healing and restoration to our troubled lives and souls.

Jesus said "Come to me all you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest"

3. Find Community

Once you've found God through Jesus, you will find you have a whole new family in his Church.

The church at large, and locally, is God's family on earth. He wants us to look after each other in practical ways, encourage each other and grow in knowing and following Him until we meet him face to face one day in Heaven.

4. Find Purpose

Once we have met God, found freedom and become part of God's family (the church), we find ourselves wanting others to know Him as well. 

We find we have a desire to help others in all sorts of general ways, but also by using the specific gifts and talents that God has, and will further, equip us with. We share the Good News about Jesus  both in words and actions.